Instructions for Authors

Terms of publishing papers in the journal
"Environment, Earth and Ecology".


1. “Environment, Earth and Ecology” publishes original papers, review papers, and short communications in English.
2. Articles are published online with DOI numbers.
The paper version is published as a yearbook with an ISSN number (2451-4225).
3. Manuscripts that do not meet the requirements specified in the Instructions for Authors are returned for redrafting before evaluating their contents.
4. We are screening all submitted manuscripts for plagiarism. In case of plagiarism author will be added to our black list.
5. Articles are published as "Open access" under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-NC).

Authors should submit their manuscripts online (without charges).
You need to create an account and log in at:!

Reviews: double blind peer review.

Online First:
The articles will be published online after receipt of the corrected proofs from authors.
This will be the official first publication citable with the DOI.

We hope you will consider our Journal as a place to publish your articles.


Length of the manuscript: The number of words, counting from the title, including abstract, keywords, acknowledgements to the end of text and references: not more than 8000 words. Each one table or graphics is count as 600 words.

Title page should contain:
- the title of the article (max 70 characters including spaces);
- name and surname of the author/authors;
- affiliation (institution name, department name, country);
- data of the corresponding author (e-mail);
- alternatively acknowledgments.
Abstract: not more than 250 words.
Key words: 3 - 5 words.
Introduction: An introductory statement of the subject under investigation with essential historical background.
Material and Methods: This part should be deatailed and SI units should be used. Well-known operations should not be described in detail.
Results: This section should be presented as a logical sequence in the text form, tables, and figures. Values presented in text form should not be repeated as tables and figures (and vice versa).
Discussion: Statement of conclusions drawn from the presented manuscript.
Conclusions: as text or bulleted.
The list of references should only include all works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. All unpublished works should only be mentioned in the manuscript. Do not use footnotes/endnotes as a substitute for a reference list.
Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the last names of the first author.
Up to 40 positions in the original study and 50 items in the review paper.
The doi-number should always be indicated when it exists.
- journal articles:
Flessa H, Dorsch P, Beese F (1995) Seasonal-variation of N2O and CH4 fluxes in differently managed arable soils in southern Germany. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 100:23115–23124. doi: 10.1029/95JD02270
If more than 10 authors: should be included "et al." after author with number 10.
- books:
Barbour MG, Burk JH, Pitts WD (1987) Terrestrial plant ecology. Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Menlo Park, California.
- conference proceedings:
Haden VR, Culman S, Burger M, Li C, Salas W, Horwath WR (2011) A comparison of measured and modeled nitrous oxide emissions from flood irrigated alfalfa in California using the DNDC model. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2011, abstract #B14C-03.
- electronic formats:
WMO (2009) WMO Greenhouse Gas Bulletin. The State of Greenhouse Gases in the Atmosphere Using Global Observations through 2008. 5. online:
- web sites:
WMO. Available from: [cited 2016 September 2].
Headings: no more than three levels of displayed headings.
Parameters for manuscript preparation:
- A4, font size 12, Spacing 1.5, margin of 2.5 cm on all four sides of the paper;
- use italics for emphasis;
- all tables and figures must be included in manuscript;
- description for tables should be included under table in form: Tab. 1 Description of table 1.
- description for figures should be included below figure in form: Fig. 1 Description of figure 1.
- file in docx or doc format.
Citations in text:
In the text refer to the author’s family name (without initials): (Phillips 2014).
For two authors: (Phillips and Smith 2014).
For three or more authors use the first author followed by “et al.” in the text: (Phillips et al. 2014).

Authors should submit their manuscripts online.
You need to create an account and log in at:!

Authors wishing to include figures, tables, any sign or text passages that have been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for the print and online format and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.

Proofs may be sent and should be carefully checked by corresponding Author and returned immediately to Editors (maximum in 7 days). If the proof is not sent within the deadline set by the publisher, it shall have the right to issue and distribute the article in the form sent for author’s proofreading, and the author shall not have the right to make any claims in respect of any uncorrected errors.
The Author is obliged to make and send to the publisher the author’s proof, which includes only the corrections of the errors in composition. Substantial changes in content (e.g., new results, changed values, title or authorship) are not allowed without the approval of the Editor.


1. The fees for publication and hard copies:
a) 170 EUR / 190 USD / 600 PLN – the fee for publication of the article in the journal. The price includes high quality PDF of article, which will be available to corresponding Author via our www.​
b) Optional: 45 EUR / 50 USD / 150 PLN for each one hard copy.

Hard copies are printing as black and white.
c) The printing of one Page in colour in hard copies: 30 EUR / 35 USD / 140 PLN.

Manuscript longer than 8000 words:
d) the fee for each one 1000 more than 8000 words: 20 EUR / 25 USD / 100 PLN.

The payment must be made within 14 days after receiving information that the article has been accepted for publication in the journal. The article may be published only after it has been approved for publication by the reviewers and the publisher has received the fee for publication in the journal.

2) Exemption from fees:
a) letters to the editor are exempted from payment of the fee;
b) a reviewer who is the first author of the manuscript submitted to the journal and who in the past 12 months sent to the “Environment, Earth and Ecology” journal minimum 5 reviews of different articles may be exempted from payment of the fee after sending this request to the office.

3) Payment information:
IBAN: PL 88 1140 2004 0000 3402 7561 8845
Young Researchers
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61- 065 Poznan
Bank name: mBank S.A. FORMERLY BRE BANK S.A. (RETAIL BANKING) LODZ, Skrytka pocztowa 2108, 90-959 Łódź 2
Title of the payment: Fee for publication of the article: article number in the Editorial System: name of the first author (optional: + 1 hard copy).

- The cost of bank charges is covered by the authors.
- The invoice is issued by the Editorial Office after the fees have been placed on the publisher’s account; after it has been issued, it is available as a pdf file in the Editorial System.
- In case of withdrawal of the article accepted for publication, the authors are reimbursed 50% of the fee for publication. The reimbursement may take place only on condition that the authors send to the publisher’s e-mail address: a completed and signed Request for reimbursement of the fee for publication.

IV. Archiving and indexing

Our voluemes are archiving throught National Library.

The "Environment, Earth and Ecology" is indexed in:

- ROAD: Directory Of Open Access Scholarly Resources
- ARIANTA - Polish Scientific and Professional Electronic Journals, Poland
- PBN Polish Scholarly Bibliography, Poland
- EZB - Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek (University Library of Regensburg, Germany)
- Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig (Leipzig University Library, Germany).
- Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Münster, Germany.
- CaRLO: German Cancer Research Centre In The Helmholtz Association, Germany.

We hope you will consider our Journal as a place to publish your articles.
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